With this declaration, we inform you about collecting, processing and use of your personal data, which UNI-BIRO d.o.o., Ljubljana collects from you, when you agree to receive our newsletter, invitations or other information shared. This consent can be withdrawn at any time with no effect for the future.




The personal data controller as defined by Data Protection Directive and General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR is:


UNI-BIRO d.o.o., Ljubljana

Selanova ulica 12

1000 Ljubljana

ID za DDV: SI26758334

Matična številka: 5460590000


Personal data and processing purposes


If you wish to receive content from UNI-BIRO d.o.o., Ljubljana you can subscribe or unsubscribe from the following processes:

  • occasionally e-news
  • permanent e-news
  • events invitations
  • news about exclusive offers and opportunities
  • publications


By confirming forms, ordering, registering and submitting, UNI-BIRO d.o.o., Ljubljana will receive your personal data such as:

  • name
  • last name
  • e-mail
  • phone number


Contact information, which you share with us by submitting forms, registering or ordering is necessary for processing and completing your order and for communicating with you regarding e-news, events, news about exclusive offers and our publications. UNI-BIRO d.o.o., Ljubljana respects and will respect your privacy and is obliged to act carefully and responsibly and in compliance with legislation regarding collecting, storing and processing of your personal data. There might be links to other sites outside of our web service information system for which we do not take any responsibility regarding protection of personal data. We use different technical and organizational procedures to protect collected data to avoid unauthorized access or reveal, to maintain exactness and to ensure its appropriate use. UNI-BIRO d.o.o., Ljubljana cannot, in general, exclude the possibility of data leaking or misuse of the information due to the openness of some web technologies which can be compromised and are out of our control.


Warning: EU GDPR does not enforce any particular technical actions to protect the identity of the website owner or data controller, as it does not demand any identity revealing from the website visitor. Until further steps in the legislation are taken, every decision regarding the data controllers' identity is up to website visitor. We kindly ask you to check the data controllers' identity in every possible way. The data controller does not have and is not able to give a guarantee, whether the agreement for collecting and processing personal data was obtained from the person, whom it refers since the user does not identify to the website owner (data controller) in a unique and verifiable way.


The data controller manages the websites listed below


Company UNI-BIRO d.o.o., Ljubljana manages following websites:



Company information website.




We store and process your personal information which you give us by subscribing on e-newsletter, events, notifications about exclusive offers and opportunities and other publications of UNI-BIRO d.o.o., Ljubljana with your undoubtful agreement and consent as required in Article 6 (1), (a) in EU General Data Protection Regulative. We also process information about the views of received messages and clicks on the links in the received messages to improve the quality of our products and services and for statistical analyses.


You agree to the processing of personal data on the UNI-BIRO d.o.o., Ljubljana website d.o.o. on forms, order forms, applications or registrations where you submit your personal information. Each time you are informed about the processing details and asked to agree with it. UNI-BIRO d.o.o., Ljubljana does not require your consent for processing when the purpose of collecting personal data exceeds the necessary level of processing for which you visited the website.


Data controller UNI-BIRO d.o.o., Ljubljana uses service for sending legally confirmed emails to inform you about changes of Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. It enables the Data controller to have verified and reliable evidence for prompt informing about the changes.


Personal data, collected for the purposes, where no consent is required as there is other legislation in force (for storing documents, contracts, receipts or other documents) is stored and secured in compliance with EU General Data Protection Regulation.


Your rights


EU General Data Protection Regulation gives you the right to access your personal data, to correct it, you have the right to be forgotten – to request removing and deletion of all your personal data you had submitted to the Data controllers' website(s). You have the right to remove it, to remove permission for different kinds of processing and also the right to file a complaint.


If you believe your rights were violated on websites of company UNI-BIRO d.o.o., Ljubljana, you may contact Informacijski pooblaščenec Republike Slovenije (Zaloška 59, 1000 Ljubljana, phone + 386 1 230 97 30, fax: 386 1 230 97 78, e-mail:


Storing period of personal data


We store your personal data as long as we need it to send you our newsletters, special offers, invitations for events, publications or others. The saving period can vary due to different legislative obligations for services like ours (such would be VAT related law, accounting regulations or similar).


When the applicable sectoral legislation requires mandatory deadlines for the retention of personal data, UNI-BIRO d.o.o., Ljubljana will delete personal data after the statutory compulsory deadline.




What is a cookie?

A cookie is a file, which saves settings of the webpage. Websites save cookies in the devices which visitors use for accessing the internet. The purpose of the cookie is to recognize specific devices and visitors' previous settings, which were created by visitors' previous access. Cookies enable websites to recognize new visitors, and advanced applications allow to adjust many settings. These settings are stored and controlled within the browser. The user of the browser can activate, partially enable or disable saving of the cookies.


Why do we use cookies?


The essential part of providing user-friendly online services are cookies. The most common e-commerce functions would not be possible without them. They enable faster and easier interactions between visitors on the website.


With their help, the website remembers the individual's preferences and experiences. Browsing the web pages is more effective and enjoyable. There are several reasons to use cookies. The browser can store information about the status of each website (details of individual page adjustments), help in the implementation of online services (e.g., online store), cookies help collect user statistics and site visits and data about the habits of a web user or similar. By using cookies, we can evaluate the effectiveness of our website layout, content, and design. You can also read the guidelines of the information officer about the use of the cookies which are recommended and allowed on these websites. Please keep in mind that removing or blocking cookies can negatively impact your user experience, and parts of our site may no longer be fully accessible.


List of cookies on our websites:

Cookie Name





Google Analytics

2 years



Google Analytics

6 months



Google Analytics

30 minutes



Google Analytics

Until the browser closes



User settings

18 months



Facebook plug-in

2 years



Twitter plug-in

Session cookie



Twitter plug-in

Session cookie



Twitter plug-in

2 years



Twitter plug-in

1 week



Twitter plug-in

2 years



A cookie records your setting to allow cookies to be written

1 year

Uni-Biro d.o.o., Ljubljana


A cookie records your setting to allow cookies to be written

1 year

Uni-Biro d.o.o., Ljubljana


Session cookie required for site operation

Until the browser closes

Uni-Biro d.o.o., Ljubljana


Session cookie required for site operation

Until the browser closes

Uni-Biro d.o.o., Ljubljana

Cookies which we use on our websites do not collect any other than described information or information you could be personally identified with and you did not consent. Cookies can’t damage your computer, tablet, or mobile phone. They enable our websites to function well and help us understand which information is most useful for visitors.




When using these websites mentioned in the list of sites managed by the Data Controller you agree, that these websites set cookies on your computer or mobile device until un-subscription or deletion which is your right. Cookies are under your control in your browser.


How to control cookies


You can control and manage cookies in various ways. Keep in mind that removing or blocking cookies can negatively impact your user experience, and parts of our website may no longer be fully accessible. Methods of use of cookies can be changed in your browser, including blocking and deleting them. Almost every browser enables you to accept or reject every cookie, to allow only certain sort of cookies or warns you about the cookie the website would like to place. Deleting a saved cookie is simple. If you change or delete browsers cookie file and if you change or upgrade your browser or device, you might have to enable cookies again. Procedure for cookie managing and deleting varies between browsers. If you need help, check your browsers' user manual or help.

Izdelava spletne trgovine
Cookie - Analitics
They are used to record the website's obscurity analysis and provide us with data to provide a better user experience.
Cookie - social
Cookies required for plug-ins for sharing content from social media sites.
Cookie - chat
Cookies allow you to sign up, contact and communicate through the communication plug-in on the page.
Cookie - marketing
They target targeted advertising based on past user's activity on other sites.
What are cookies?
By visiting and using the site, you consent to the use and recording of cookies.OK Learn more about cookies